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Everly's Birthday

Where do I begin to tell the story of how Daniel and I almost lost Everly. It's almost too daunting to tell. I even want to stop writing now; yes, this may take some time. But I need to write this. To remember. To move on forward and upward. We had spent a joyous afternoon celebrating Everly's first birthday. Afterwards, our little family rushed off to go grocery shopping for her birthday dinner party. We finished shopping, but needed to get a few more items at another market. I was sitting in the back with Everly; and as Daniel drove, she slowly nodded off. I'd just received a text from our friends' group chat. It was Chris, he'd made the most precious video of the birthday festivities from just that afternoon. I finished watching it and was about to send my response when I looked up and saw the car heading towards us. It all happened in slow motion. We were making an unprotected left turn, but that car continued to drive to us at a constant speed. No sign of t

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